This SFU assignment was intended to use the city of San Francisco in an agglomeration theory study. Our group had to summarize the first half of the book "Post Capital Society" by Peter Drucker and connect it to San Francisco in the form of an Information model. I was in charge of co-research and co-design
Poster Projects
During a class-wide field study of Seattle's culture, our team researched into the various subcultures formed by certain areas of the city. We composed our findings into a long horizontal spread which collaged the many pictures we took with a complex order in mind that describes various groups of people through the context in where they are located.
This order included a transformation from high-rise to low-brow, from wealthy to impoverished, from cool colors to warm colors and from order to disorder. The composition was put together with a group of five people working simultaneously on the same poster with a combination Adobe Bridge and Photoshop, then given an interactive display using flash.